Here is another kind of market - the fresh produce market, another favoured weekend destination! All that food bursting with color and antioxidants, packaged the way nature intended [none of that ridiculous shrinkwrap plastic], the crazy and chaotic din of the sellers screaming out prices and deals and undercutting each other to keep it all really cheap - I don't mind if I do! These are the Queen Victoria markets in the city. Recent visits here have seen us go crazy on winter vegetables and since I discovered that a humble pie is the best way to use them all up in one go I have consequently gone on sort of pie-making spree that will see us eventually hate pies for a long time (I have a habit of doing this with my cooking). Chicken and leek and mushroom, chicken and potato and leek and corn, chicken and fetta and sweet potato and leek, pumpkin pie, you get the picture.
I hadn't noticed Giles' rather terrified expression on the above pic until now. Perhaps he thought this XXL sweet potato was some sort of monsterous slug? Is this what happens when an inner city kid is faced with 'real vegetables' as opposed to the teeny tiny mutant-free versions sold by Coles etc?